This is a picture of the devotion book I use each morning and when I picked it up this morning I realized how thick it was on the left side. This represents months, weeks and days that I have been blessed to live under the Lord’s love, mercy, compassion, provision, protection, and walk in His Divine Presence!!! This world is spinning out of control, but each day I awake I have to say, “Lord you are still large and in charge” and it’s not about how I feel but it is all about what I know; and that is I can go to Him and find comfort and direction going forward. A song: I will remain confident in this; I will see the goodness of the Lord! He is Sovereign over global events; still in control. I learned early on in my life in Christ about the Sovereignty of God and that is I must keep Him between my problems and me and He will only allow those things to filter through that will mature me in Him. Lord I Trust You!!!!

I’m so tired of hearing, more black babies are aborted, more blacks are mowed down in the streets, more black votes are rejected, more blacks are dying either Covid. It is all getting on my last nerve, being a 76 yr old black woman. Ok, that was my human side. Here is the good news. Rev 21:4, And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away. Rev 22:3, And there shall be no more curs, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him. Vs 5 is comforting. There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever. My prayer is, Even So, Come Lord Jesus!!!
In my devotion this morning I was reminded that as far as it depends on me, I must live at peace with everyone Romans 12:18. In this life there will always be someone who is bent on opposing us, without a cause. It was in 2006 that I had the honor of preaching at the General Assembly. I prayed, fasted and studied much to prepare a message on the topic that I was assigned. I even went over my message with four anointed, brilliant people for any corrections needed. My desire was to give my very best to the Lord and His people. I knew this was a first to have a women to preach in the night service, let alone an African American, single one. The Lord was gracious and blessed in the service with many being saved, filled and transformed in many ways. I left the meeting and went on a cruise on cloud nine, if you will; only to open my computer and read comments like: I was an embarrassment to the COG, didn’t preach what I was assigned, acted like Flip Wilson, had a sign across my chest that said Pride, and was even accused of sleeping with someone on the EC and many other nasty things. This ruined my vacation being so hurt and angry. Oh how I wanted to retaliate and “jack up” some people. I had preached on holding your peace to others; letting the Lord fight their battles and now it was my turn. I was just not going to have any peace until I forgave them all.
I’ve read several offensive things here in FB and I have asked Holy Spirit to help me to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. Many of you just need to keep your opinions to yourself if you can’t be Christlike about it. During these challenging times we need to be at peace with one another in all of this chaos. Let’s pause and pray together for the return of the Prince of Peace!

It was in 1973 that the Lord saved me in a traditional COG, but I loved attending the Charismatic home Bible studies and going to Blue Mountain with them for special meetings. They sang from the Word of God and one of the songs was taken from Lamentations 3. 🎶the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every 🎶morning, new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness O Lord. Great is Thy faithfulness.🎶 I would sing this song and cry many tears. His steadfast love will never let us down and never let us go. When Dr. Terry Cross came to Pastor my home church he taught powerful messages on God’s love. I was struggling with some things and of course the enemy was saying “you can’t make it.” One Wednesday night he taught on loving kindness, the Hebrew word “hesed.” Wow, the lights came on when he said, God has a stubborn love toward us and will not let go. From that night until now I know I’m loved when I’m right or wrong, weak or strong, mountaintop or valley. His love is unconditional, unfailing and everlasting! I often sing this song in my devotion time know love will always find a way, especially during these challenging times I have Hope!