This past weekend was such a special time in my life and ministry. I have not been out on the evangelistic field since February. The Pastor of Gateway/Franklin Church of God in Nashville invited me to preach their two Sunday services yesterday. I am so anxious to share with you my relationship with the Pastor. In 1978 there were three teenagers in a Tuesday night bible study that I was teaching and it would be an understatement to say how much Donna and Joan Cooper together with Charlie Weir got on my last nerve as they planned to ask the most way out questions each week. I would go home and fast, pray and dig into the Word, trying to anticipate what they would ask. Charlie was the ring leader. I’m sharing this because I want you to know that God used those young people to prepare me for the ministry that I have been serving Him and His people in for for 40 years.
I was so emotional yesterday when Pastor Charles walked onto the stage to introduce me that the two sisters joined him by video. I walked on to the stage in tears and looked over at this young man who graduated from Lee, Seminary, served many years on staff at Mt. Paran, earned a doctorate and has been pastoring Gateway for 14 years. Seated next to him a beautiful godly wife and daughter. I’m so proud of him and I praise the Lord for the manifold blessings and grace in our lives.
PS. I graduated from high school with his precious Mother who is present with the Lord!!!