I was on zoom this week having fellowship with COG Evangelists. We shared and prayed about some of the challenges we are all facing during this pandemic. We have heard it said so many times that we are all in this together. The Evangelists are facing cancelations and financial difficulties. Even in my own life I have not traveled to minister since the end of February. Yet, my heart goes out to Pastors who are carrying heavy burdens to keep their people encouraged and connected. Some want to open and others do not and of course the financial situations are heavy in our leaders. I try to keep in touch with Pastors to let them know I’m thinking of them and praying much for them.
My thoughts go to Jeremiah through no fault of his own was thrown into a pit and Ebedmelech had compassion and lifted the man of God out who was sinking in the pit of despair. They let Jeremiah down with ropes under his arms. I want to present to you two ropes that will lift our pastors. 1. The rope of encouragement. Don’t worry about encouraging too much because there are many more things out there that will offset your encouragement. 2. Is prayer, prayer and more prayer. Let’s stop criticizing and join with Jesus and Holy Spirit and intercede for them.
In Exodus 17 the battle was raging but prayers were going up to God. Moses’s hands got weak, but two men Aaron and Hur lifted him up.

Pastor Chris Fraley, Mark Williams, my special Pastors friends, your Sister is pulling on those ropes for you!!!💜. We are all going to come out with great VICTORY!!!