In Judges 3 the Lord chose a lefthanded man to deliver His people. Ehud was going to have to get pass the guards so his weapon was bound on his right thigh. Most people are right handed and their weapon would be on their left side. I’m right handed and when I try to use my left hand it’s awkward, I’m clumsy and weak. My being a female, black, single, preache in the Church of God in the beginning was a lot of awkwardness, weakness and clumsy ness. Yet, it was in God ‘s plan to use me in all of that left handedness to pass the guards to break through racial, cultural, gender and generational barriers. You might feel I’m not smart , bold, charismatic, powerful or good enough to be used by God. You are just the one He would want to use in the most unique ways. I’m sure the guards assumed Ehud was right handed so they checked him out on his left side and let him in to see the one who was holding God’s people in captivity. Read the rest of the story. They didn’t see him coming. Nor will they expect us to be deliverer’s during these pandemics. Pull your weapon of Praise on one side and Prayer on the other and slay these enemies of hatred, injustices, racism, etc!!!