Here we are once again remembering what happened on 9/11. I was still living in NJ and was going to the Newark NJ to pick up my spiritual daughter from the airport. The report came on my car radio about the twin towers. When I drove over the bridge I could see where the first tower fell and then before my very eyes I saw the second one come down. I had to leave the airport without my daughter praying and crying on my way back home. I heard the Lord say, “ every nation that forgets God will be turned into hell.” You would think America would have gotten better, but we have gotten worse. People turned to God for “ a hot NY minute. Lord I cry for mercy in the morning for our nation🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼! So, here we are again where the Lord is trying to get our attention in and outside of the church.

All that know me can tell you how much I like wearing my “high heels.” So often I say I can’t get the anointing unless I have my high heels in😀. Well, lately I have tried to thicken the heels since I will be 77 in December😊. Spiritually speaking, the Lord is broadening the path beneath me so my ankles do not turn. In Psalm 18: 18,19 it says, they confronted me in the day of my calamity, but the Lord was my support. He also brought me out into a broad place. O how I love verse 36 in this Psalm. You enlarged my path under me so my feet did not slip. I’m holding His left and right hand according to Isaiah 41: 10,13 as He leads me down the path of life….. no worries because He is widening the path and “tweaking” every situation, especially during these challenging times!!!

I have been home since February and I see every day as a fresh opportunity to remind myself of the goodness of my Lord and focus on His faithfulness. There are things to be thankful for each day during this challenging season. I’m reminded how He has come through for me in the past and I praise Him for all He has done and I’m declaring truth over every situation I’m facing now. So many things have changed but He remains the same and that is why if you ask me why I love Him so, it’s because there is none like Him to me. According to Song of Solomon 5:16 everything about Him fills me with holy desire! And now He is my Beloved, my Friend forever. As many of you know, Song of Solomon is one of my favorite books of the Bible and starting next week I will be teaching from it on FB and YouTube.

Two of my favorite verses are Psalm 59:16,17. But I will sing of Your power; Yes, I will sing aloud of Your MERCY IN THE MORNING; For You have been my defense And refuge in the day of my trouble.
To You, O my STRENGTH, I will sing praises; For God is my defense, My God of MERCY.

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For years I sang the soprano arias in Handel’s Messiah. One is taken from Romans 10:15 “How beautiful are the FEET of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!” It was in the late seventies that I was led by the Holy Spirit to spend the night alone in my home church, from 10pm on Friday night until 10 am on Saturday. I was instructed not to ask for anything for myself, only to intercede for others. Wow, that was difficult. This was the first encounter I had with the Lord about “preaching” and He used Romans 10:15. I heard this verse all night long until I just wanted to scream! People often say they have ugly feet, but God can get something beautiful from them. In 2 Samuel 22:34 tells me He makes my “feet” like the feet of deer and sets my on my high places of trouble, responsibility or suffering. In Habakkuk 3:19 the Word speaks to me how the Lord is my strength; He will make my “feet” like deer’s feet and He will make me walk on my “high hills.” For all those that know me, you always see me walking on my “ high heels” because I feel taller😊👠👠 and elegant. Well, these shoes will never be able to take me as high as I need to go. Only the Lord can enable me to stand on the heights as He allows me to climb the steep mountains of life, trusting Him to give me the confidence I need to walk and make progress during these challenging times. I’m determined to step high, holding His unchanging hand!! This is Victory!!!