This is my precious Daddy that God chose to ADOPT me and raise me to love the Lord. He then looked way into the future and knew Daddy would need a daughter to care for him his last days on this earth and He chose me. I love you Daddy and still miss you so much!!!
I never married or had biological children, but the Lord promised me He would give me many. These are some of my spiritual children who look like me.
I should be sleeping, but I’m so stirred by what is going on in this world and the church. And since breaking through racial barriers has been my assignment, I would like to share another testimony of God’s saving grace and power. I was asked to preach a youth camp in Alabama in the 90’s. I remember asking the Youth Director if he was sure I was the one to preach it and his response was yes it needs to be done. Upon my arrival I was confronted by one of the teens asking if I was Jacqui Smith. She went on to tell me why I should not be the speaker. She said Ni….. didn’t have souls and could not be saved and that we were all dirt under white people’s feet. She proudly said her parents and grandparents told her that. By the grace of God I was able to carry on through the power of the Holy Spirit. I won’t leave you on that negative note. Before the week was over that same young girl ran and fell in my arms crying and saying, “Sister Jacqui you have to be saved, they are wrong. You see, she was saved and filled that week!!!!!! I was told I needed to write a book about these things, but I feel it is urgent that I share these experiences NOW!!!! Once again, God is able and willing!!!!
It is possible to be delivered from racism by the power of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus!!!!! I was preaching a revival in Va and as I sat on the platform an elderly man came to me, called me the “N” word and said how much he hated all of us. Needless to say, I had to swallow hard. This meeting lasted for a full week and much to my surprise he attended every service. On the last night he came forward and asked the pastor for the microphone. Reluctantly the pastor let him have it. That 93 year old man stood there with tears streaming down his face asked the Lord, me and the church to forgive him for the way he had treated blacks his entire life. Two weeks later he died and his daughter asked the pastor to call and thank me for allowing the Lord to use me in giving her peace about the condition of his heart. God is able folks!!!!!!