One day I was watching a Hallmark movie and an advert came on showing the cutest little African American girl standing in front of her school waiting to be picked up. Seemingly the person was late because her expression changed to sadness, but it wasn’t long before a big smile came over her face; her dad had come for her. Much to my surprise her dad was white and he knelt down and gave her the biggest hug. It was at this point that I became tearful at the sight of him taking her by the hand and walking her to the car. My thoughts were, this is how I want to be with ABBA FATHER (daddy); His little girl waiting for Him and when He shows up He wraps in those everlasting arms; takes me by my right hand. Here is where you need to read Is 41:10,13. In these verses Daddy promises to hold our right and left hands and we are covered on each side. She is so happy skipping along holding on tight. He now takes her to a cupcake and ice cream parlor and there were many smiles exchanged between them as they enjoyed the sweets. Our Heavenly Father wants us to taste the sweetness of His love, peace, joy, grace and mercy!!! “Lord, your little African American girl (Jacqui) wants to take You by the hand and skip into Your cupcake and ice cream parlor and enjoy the pleasures at Your right hand.”