It was in 1973 that the Lord saved me in a traditional COG, but I loved attending the Charismatic home Bible studies and going to Blue Mountain with them for special meetings. They sang from the Word of God and one of the songs was taken from Lamentations 3. 🎶the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every 🎶morning, new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness O Lord. Great is Thy faithfulness.🎶 I would sing this song and cry many tears. His steadfast love will never let us down and never let us go. When Dr. Terry Cross came to Pastor my home church he taught powerful messages on God’s love. I was struggling with some things and of course the enemy was saying “you can’t make it.” One Wednesday night he taught on loving kindness, the Hebrew word “hesed.” Wow, the lights came on when he said, God has a stubborn love toward us and will not let go. From that night until now I know I’m loved when I’m right or wrong, weak or strong, mountaintop or valley. His love is unconditional, unfailing and everlasting! I often sing this song in my devotion time know love will always find a way, especially during these challenging times I have Hope!