This is a picture of the devotion book I use each morning and when I picked it up this morning I realized how thick it was on the left side. This represents months, weeks and days that I have been blessed to live under the Lord’s love, mercy, compassion, provision, protection, and walk in His Divine Presence!!! This world is spinning out of control, but each day I awake I have to say, “Lord you are still large and in charge” and it’s not about how I feel but it is all about what I know; and that is I can go to Him and find comfort and direction going forward. A song: I will remain confident in this; I will see the goodness of the Lord! He is Sovereign over global events; still in control. I learned early on in my life in Christ about the Sovereignty of God and that is I must keep Him between my problems and me and He will only allow those things to filter through that will mature me in Him. Lord I Trust You!!!!