All that know me can tell you how much I like wearing my “high heels.” So often I say I can’t get the anointing unless I have my high heels in😀. Well, lately I have tried to thicken the heels since I will be 77 in December😊. Spiritually speaking, the Lord is broadening the path beneath me so my ankles do not turn. In Psalm 18: 18,19 it says, they confronted me in the day of my calamity, but the Lord was my support. He also brought me out into a broad place. O how I love verse 36 in this Psalm. You enlarged my path under me so my feet did not slip. I’m holding His left and right hand according to Isaiah 41: 10,13 as He leads me down the path of life….. no worries because He is widening the path and “tweaking” every situation, especially during these challenging times!!!