Lately I have been blessed by songs by Brooklyn Tab’ and the one my Sweet Mother always listened to was “Jesus, I’m Depending on You.” ( to see me through). I have been depending on Him for 47 years and this is a place of great security, especially during these very challenging times. I can’t always depend on myself or others because that would be building on a foundation of sand and that would not hold up during this raging storm we are experiencing globally. I’m however building my life on the Rock, Christ Jesus and I know I’m supported during this storm with strength, encouragement, protection, provision and guidance. I realize we are being taken ( through) this one as it was in Matthew 14 and He will bring us (our) when we are ready. I want my house to stand!!!

I was reading in Colossians 3 yesterday and during the night thoughts came to me about shopping. During these challenging times there is not much money for buying clothes when the mortgage and rent is due and the need for food on the table, among other things.
I think it would be good for us all to allow God the Holy Spirit to take us into a spiritual “fitting room” to put on the proper clothes. First we will need to take off some things like: anger, wrath, malice, filthy language, covetousness, fornication, idolatry, etc and put on : tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, long suffering, forgiveness, but above all LOVE!! It is then that we will have the right to “MODEL” and we will always be in style!!! And, others will want what we have on!!! Read Romans 13:14 Now!!!

One of the reasons why believers are struggling so much these days is because we have lost our “identity.” Our true identity is not about titles, positions, social economic levels or the people we know. These things can all be taken from us in a flash, but our eternal identity is that we are blood washed, blooded purchased, our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and we have been made to sit in the heavenly realms with Christ Jesus!!! Song of Solomon 6:3 sums it all up for me because I am told that I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine; he browses among the lilies. Jesus and I belong to one another in complete union of mind, heart and body. Jacqui’s “identity” is that I am His Beloved and that cannot be taken from me!!! Absolute Truth!!!

You just might be tired of hearing from me today, but I am wanting to share what’s in my heart today. I have a little “ red book” that I keep a record of each call, text, visit, and expression of love. So, I want to thank my children, friends, spiritual family, colleagues in ministry, and spiritual leaders for your kindness and generosity. I’m ,grateful for shelter, financial gifts, cards, the fixing of my car, air hugs and kisses 😊, wonderful meals, being checked on, help with modern technology😀……….

My prayer is that you ALL will be Blessed Beyond Measure🙏🏼💜

I was on zoom this week having fellowship with COG Evangelists. We shared and prayed about some of the challenges we are all facing during this pandemic. We have heard it said so many times that we are all in this together. The Evangelists are facing cancelations and financial difficulties. Even in my own life I have not traveled to minister since the end of February. Yet, my heart goes out to Pastors who are carrying heavy burdens to keep their people encouraged and connected. Some want to open and others do not and of course the financial situations are heavy in our leaders. I try to keep in touch with Pastors to let them know I’m thinking of them and praying much for them.
My thoughts go to Jeremiah through no fault of his own was thrown into a pit and Ebedmelech had compassion and lifted the man of God out who was sinking in the pit of despair. They let Jeremiah down with ropes under his arms. I want to present to you two ropes that will lift our pastors. 1. The rope of encouragement. Don’t worry about encouraging too much because there are many more things out there that will offset your encouragement. 2. Is prayer, prayer and more prayer. Let’s stop criticizing and join with Jesus and Holy Spirit and intercede for them.
In Exodus 17 the battle was raging but prayers were going up to God. Moses’s hands got weak, but two men Aaron and Hur lifted him up.

Pastor Chris Fraley, Mark Williams, my special Pastors friends, your Sister is pulling on those ropes for you!!!💜. We are all going to come out with great VICTORY!!!